Climbs 33
Rocktype Gritstone
Altitude 351m a.s.l
Faces E

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Finally made it on the warm up route!! © Rotorslap

Crag features

This east-facing crag, the top of which is only just visible from the Glossop to Hayfield road, overlooks Whitethorn Clough on Shaw Moor. On first acquaintance it looks a little disappointing, apart from the taller central section that reaches a respectable height of 12m. However, if you stick with it, you will be rewarded with some good climbing.

The buttresses face east and get the morning sun up until just past noon. It can also be dry when the higher moorland crags are clagged in and in bad nick.

Approach notes

From Glossop, take the Hayfield road, then after 500m, on the steep hill after the last row of cottages on the right, turn left down the minor road to Moorfield. At a bend at the bottom of the dip is a layby next to a couple of gates and a stile. Park here, cross the stile and follow a well-worn path up the hill and over the moorland to a second stile on the distant ridge. Continue along the path to reach the crag in about 15 mins.

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