Diary: 11th March, 2023 for 'Stanley'

 Outdoor climbing > Logbook
Hepburn - Photo Opportunity Arete f5 *
with Tess, Joey

Hepburn - Short Crack f3
with Tess, Joey

Hepburn - Stunning Scoop f4 *
with Tess, Joey

Hepburn - Rheumatology f7A *
with Tess, Joey

Hepburn - Matterhorn Arete f6A **
with Tess, Joey

Hepburn - Shallow Groove Variation f5+
with Tess, Joey

Hepburn - Photo Opportunity Wall f6B **
with Tess, Joey

Hepburn - Arete f6A
with Tess, Joey

Hepburn - Hard f6B
with Tess, Joey

Hepburn - Long Crack f3
with Tess, Joey

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