Logbook for tommakin

Best Climbing Experience

A late start on the mult pitch Pinicle Direct on Black crag in the lakes with Sam Thomas. Although climbing within our grade, the approching darkness and lack of lights led to a speedy summer ascent. We cranked and pulled ourway to the summit just in time for darkness to fall which coinsided with huge flying ant swarms leaving their nests. My blay experience at the final pitch was protein filled as i ate 4 while chatting... yum. Retreated by key ring light to the Ladore Falls Hotel for an ice cold pint and some of the best grub ever!! Retired to our tent content, a little drunk and tired. Great Day

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Showing 1 filtered result
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
The Old Triangle HVS 5a ** - Rach 20 Apr, 2009 Tintwistle Knarr
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