Contributed by soph Feb/18 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,360 times

Steep finish!  © sishaw
Steep finish!
Nat, Jan 2012
© sishaw

13 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and 1 has completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st mrteale 100% 6 Sep, 2020
2nd soph 95% 22 Mar, 2022
2nd admackie 95% 23 Mar, 2016
2nd philipjames 95% 4 Jul, 2022
2nd steve_yo 95% 14 Oct, 2022
3rd dr_botnik 72% 9 Mar, 2021
4th Dunthemall 59% 14 May, 2013
5th mikej 54% 22 Sep, 2010
6th meanderthal 40% 17 Sep, 2020
7th Lenny 31% 27 Oct, 2019

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Keeping a cool head on Renaissance

Keeping a cool head on Renaissance
© Ebony

Twin Roof at Baslow, well worth seeking out

Twin Roof
Twin Roof at Baslow, well worth seeking out
© Ropeboy

Richy enjoying a classic Baslow micro route

Richy enjoying a classic Baslow micro route
© pebblespanker

What is it?

What is it?
© Matthew Ferrier

High Renaissance

High Renaissance
© rtinma

Not getting the shakes

Not getting the shakes
© Ropeboy

Steep finish!

Steep finish!
© sishaw

Enjoying the Baslow sunset

Enjoying the Baslow sunset
© Kwhitey

The gear comes after the crux!

The gear comes after the crux!
© Oceanwall

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Bacchanalia Start V0 39 ? Baslow Edge
Bitter VS 4b * 210 6m Baslow Edge
Stile Guru V0- 60 ? Baslow Edge
Ouch V0 50 ? Baslow Edge
Central Crack VS 5a * 214 7m Baslow Edge
The Meerkat V2 44 ? Baslow Edge
Square Arête Right f5+ * 85 ? Baslow Edge
Dick's Dilemma HS 4b * 146 11m Baslow Edge
Brownie V0- 34 ? Baslow Edge
Wasted Youth HS 4b 248 6m Baslow Edge
Flying Start f6A * 101 ? Baslow Edge
Whatisit? HVS 5b * 208 6m Baslow Edge
Resurgence HVS 5a * 582 6m Baslow Edge
Renaissance HVS 5b ** 646 ? Baslow Edge
Twin Roof f5 * 79 ? Baslow Edge
Shake VS 4c * 186 7m Baslow Edge
Ribless HVS 5a * 145 7m Baslow Edge
Rough Wall Climb VS 4c * 479 6m Baslow Edge
Jolly Green Dwarf VS 5a * 313 6m Baslow Edge
Hair Conditioned Nightmare HVS 5b ** 132 6m Baslow Edge
Fingers Crack VS 4b * 171 6m Baslow Edge
Men Only f3+ ** 190 ? Baslow Edge
19 stars 4,362 80m 22
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