Contributed by Jack McKechnie Dec/17 - This public ticklist has been seen 3,993 times

All of the 7s at Dumby

Sneaky send before the light faded  © Daniel Ivri-Milton
Sneaky send before the light faded
© Daniel Ivri-Milton, Dec 2022

18 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Jack McKechnie 70% 28 Sep, 2022
2nd Cassidy 53% 7 Jun, 2017
3rd Jonathan Bean 47% 16 Jul, 2022
4th Thomnomnom 46% 28 May, 2022
5th Hidden 36% 23 Sep, 2018
6th frasermoodie 28% 5 Feb, 2023
7th Sandy Moore 21% 13 Dec, 2021
7th Brendan 21% 13 Mar
7th probablyfinlay 21% 9 May
8th gurumed 18% 24 May, 2019

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Liv smashing Shattered Traverse Low

Shattered Traverse Low
Liv smashing Shattered Traverse Low
© Edge Photography

March sun at Dumby

March sun at Dumby
© mike71

Silver Back (7c)

Silver Back
Silver Back (7c)


© DJayB

Highball airtime at Dumbarton

Mother Glasgow's Starlings
Highball airtime at Dumbarton
© Fraser

Liv at the start of her traverse.

Shattered Traverse Low
Liv at the start of her traverse.
© Ewan Grant

Making progress on the last attempts of the day

Making progress on the last attempts of the day
© DynamiC987

Consolidated revisited

Consolidated revisited
© Fraser

Almost happy from slapping Slap Happy.

Slap Happy
Almost happy from slapping Slap Happy.
© Fraser


© Fraser

Scott working on the crux

Treasure Hunt
Scott working on the crux
© Edge Photography

Tom on In Bloom

In Bloom
Tom on In Bloom
© Ewan Grant

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Bust My Chops LH f7A *** 66 4m Dumbarton Rock
Mugsy (Ya Bass) f7A *** 161 ? Dumbarton Rock
Total Bamchop f7A 3 ? Dumbarton Rock
Andy's Arete f7A ** 44 ? Dumbarton Rock
Slap Happy f7A ** 304 ? Dumbarton Rock
The Story of the Hurricane f7A ** 1 6m Dumbarton Rock
Bampot Traverse f7A ** 43 ? Dumbarton Rock
Total Bampot f7A ** 8 8m Dumbarton Rock
Bust My Chops f7A ** 65 ? Dumbarton Rock
Bust Jeremy's Chops f7A ** 16 ? Dumbarton Rock
More Malkstizo f7A ** 4 ? Dumbarton Rock
Bust My Chops RH f7A * 68 ? Dumbarton Rock
Kev's Problem f7A * 29 ? Dumbarton Rock
Runs on Potato Power f7A * 23 ? Dumbarton Rock
Honesty f7A 15 ? Dumbarton Rock
Phoenix f7A * 25 4m Dumbarton Rock
Slap Happy SS f7A 14 ? Dumbarton Rock
Toto SS f7A 122 ? Dumbarton Rock
Dweller (Mugsy jug finish) f7A 10 ? Dumbarton Rock
Mestizo 'Direct' f7A 5 ? Dumbarton Rock
Head Butt f7A 22 ? Dumbarton Rock
Gorilla Hanging Start f7A 47 ? Dumbarton Rock
Tam's Route Original SS f7A 4 ? Dumbarton Rock
...Dated f7A+ 14 ? Dumbarton Rock
Embrace The Rock V7 ** - 1m Dumbarton Rock
Mugsy Static f7A+ *** 102 6m Dumbarton Rock
Pongo Arete f7A+ ** 69 ? Dumbarton Rock
Off The Rails f7A+ ** 2 ? Dumbarton Rock
Mestizo SS f7A+ ** 131 ? Dumbarton Rock
Chicken Butt f7A+ ** 1 ? Dumbarton Rock
Gorilla Warfare f7A+ ** 37 ? Dumbarton Rock
Shadow f7A+ ** 3 ? Dumbarton Rock
The Shield Right Hand f7A+ * 15 ? Dumbarton Rock
Toto Sit Start Direct f7A+ * 23 ? Dumbarton Rock
Home Rule Low Traverse f7A+ * 46 ? Dumbarton Rock
More Chicken f7A+ * 3 ? Dumbarton Rock
Fool's Gold f7A+ * 18 ? Dumbarton Rock
Buzz Saw f7A+ 10 ? Dumbarton Rock
Toto Traverse f7A+ 13 ? Dumbarton Rock
Butt Head f7A+ 2 ? Dumbarton Rock
Ford Capri f7A - ? Dumbarton Rock
Hung Like a Gorilla f7B ** 5 ? Dumbarton Rock
'Consoled' f7A+ 9 ? Dumbarton Rock
Mugsy Traverse f7B *** 80 ? Dumbarton Rock
Shattered Traverse Low f7B ** 47 ? Dumbarton Rock
Totalled f7B ** 18 ? Dumbarton Rock
Mestizo Traverse f7B ** 81 ? Dumbarton Rock
Mestugso f7B ** 17 ? Dumbarton Rock
Mugsy Sit Start f7B ** 45 ? Dumbarton Rock
Trick of the Vale f7B ** 2 ? Dumbarton Rock
The Shield Right Hand SS f7B * 5 ? Dumbarton Rock
Spray On f7B * 3 ? Dumbarton Rock
1990 Traverse f7B * 46 ? Dumbarton Rock
Fouk Yee f7B * 4 ? Dumbarton Rock
Treasure Hunt f7B * 36 ? Dumbarton Rock
Treasure f7B * 19 ? Dumbarton Rock
Reducer f7B 10 ? Dumbarton Rock
Pongo Jump f7B 6 ? Dumbarton Rock
Sugar Rush f7B - ? Dumbarton Rock
You're Nicked f7B 2 ? Dumbarton Rock
Redpath's Problem f7B 1 ? Dumbarton Rock
Art Attack f7B 5 ? Dumbarton Rock
Houston We Have a Problem f7B 5 ? Dumbarton Rock
A Ford Flash f7A 2 ? Dumbarton Rock
Power Relation f7B 4 ? Dumbarton Rock
Mugstizo High f7B ** 4 ? Dumbarton Rock
The Shield f7B+ *** 48 ? Dumbarton Rock
Knowledge is Power f7B+ *** 6 ? Dumbarton Rock
Mugstizo f7B+ *** 16 ? Dumbarton Rock
Mother Glasgow's Starlings f7B+ *** - ? Dumbarton Rock
Neil's Extension/Gorilla SS f7B+ *** 32 ? Dumbarton Rock
The Dumbartoner f7B+ ** 1 ? Dumbarton Rock
Le Tour De Technique f7B+ ** 12 ? Dumbarton Rock
Mestizo Extension f7B+ ** 18 ? Dumbarton Rock
Mugsy Extension f7B+ ** 20 ? Dumbarton Rock
Dagger f7B+ ** 12 ? Dumbarton Rock
Malky Traverse f7B+ ** 18 ? Dumbarton Rock
Dressed for Success f7B+ ** 5 ? Dumbarton Rock
Bingham's Wall f7B+ ** 2 ? Dumbarton Rock
Treasure Trail f7B+ ** 5 ? Dumbarton Rock
Malky f7B+ * 79 ? Dumbarton Rock
2016 Traverse f7B+ * - 4m Dumbarton Rock
Pongo Static f7B+ 11 ? Dumbarton Rock
Hap Slappy f7B+ 68 ? Dumbarton Rock
The Elbow Basher f7B+ 7 ? Dumbarton Rock
Totality f7B+ 23 ? Dumbarton Rock
Mugsly f7B+ 7 ? Dumbarton Rock
Dweller f7B+ 6 ? Dumbarton Rock
Malky's Chicken f7B+ 5 ? Dumbarton Rock
Dressed Reversed f7B+ - ? Dumbarton Rock
B.N.I. Direct Start f7B+ *** 15 ? Dumbarton Rock
Consolidated f7B+ *** 83 ? Dumbarton Rock
Silverware V9 ** 5 ? Dumbarton Rock
Consolidated Extension f7C *** 36 ? Dumbarton Rock
Slap Happy Dyno f7C *** 14 ? Dumbarton Rock
Malkied f7C *** 14 ? Dumbarton Rock
Hoop f7C *** 7 ? Dumbarton Rock
Silver Back f7C *** 33 ? Dumbarton Rock
The Shield SS f7C ** 13 ? Dumbarton Rock
Malky Schmalky f7C ** 17 ? Dumbarton Rock
Ladderman f7C ** 2 ? Dumbarton Rock
Paedo Bikini f7C * 5 ? Dumbarton Rock
Power Pockets SS f7C * 1 ? Dumbarton Rock
Spam f7C * 29 ? Dumbarton Rock
Smokescreen f7C * 9 ? Dumbarton Rock
Pongo Knuckle f7C 6 ? Dumbarton Rock
Mugslife f7C 1 ? Dumbarton Rock
Oceans f7C 6 ? Dumbarton Rock
Fouk Yer Chops Kev f7C 3 ? Dumbarton Rock
Malky Sit Start f7C 7 ? Dumbarton Rock
Amalgamated f7C - ? Dumbarton Rock
In Bloom f7C+ *** 24 ? Dumbarton Rock
Nice and Sleazy f7C+ *** 22 ? Dumbarton Rock
Glasgow Kiss f7C+ *** 16 ? Dumbarton Rock
Silverback Arete f7C+ *** 4 ? Dumbarton Rock
Big Cheese f7C+ ** 4 ? Dumbarton Rock
Nice and Sleazier f7C+ ** 6 ? Dumbarton Rock
Happy Slap f7C+ * 11 ? Dumbarton Rock
Thoroughbred f7C+ 12 ? Dumbarton Rock
Set in Motion f7C+ - ? Dumbarton Rock
Dressed into Ford f7C+ - ? Dumbarton Rock
Eazy Sleazy f7C+ ** 3 ? Dumbarton Rock
Spamsly f7C+ 2 ? Dumbarton Rock
Kev's Chop Problem f7A+ 4 ? Dumbarton Rock
Arete Thing AKA 'Malc's Mestizo SS' f7B 2 ? Dumbarton Rock
Spamstizo f7C 4 ? Dumbarton Rock
Nik Nak's V10 ** - ? Dumbarton Rock
Vandal f7C+ - ? Dumbarton Rock
Fred's Extension f7A+ 3 ? Dumbarton Rock
Houston We Have a Bigger Problem f7B+ 3 ? Dumbarton Rock
The Houston Bail f7C 2 ? Dumbarton Rock
Vandalism f7C+ 2 ? Dumbarton Rock
Consolidated Variation f7B+ 2 ? Dumbarton Rock
Mugsly Traverse f7C 2 ? Dumbarton Rock
Consolidated Cheddar Direct Finish f7B+ 1 ? Dumbarton Rock
162 stars 2,880 33m 135
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