Contributed by Alex N-R Nov/14 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,746 times

Arabesque at Sector Arabe, El Chorro, photo by Patrick  © Patrick
Arabesque at Sector Arabe, El Chorro, photo by Patrick
Justin T, Jan 2012
© Patrick

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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Pete Polish 53% 27 Jan, 2017
2nd Alex N-R 33% 24 Jan, 2018

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Chris Gore racing up the tufas of Lourdes (8a) at El Chorro.

Chris Gore racing up the tufas of Lourdes (8a) at El Chorro.
© Mark Glaister

Jo Bulger moving through Life is Sweet at El Makinodromo.

Life is Sweet
Jo Bulger moving through Life is Sweet at El Makinodromo.
© Gingerdarren

Chris Gore climbing Lourdes (8a) at El Chorro.

Chris Gore climbing Lourdes (8a) at El Chorro.
© Mark Glaister

Anisha on Arabesque

Anisha on Arabesque
© jonesdwill

Climber in the late evening light on Lourdes 8a El Chorro

Climber in the late evening light on Lourdes 8a El Chorro
© Andy Birtwistle

Levi on Honk Down (7c) in El Chorro

Honk Down
Levi on Honk Down (7c) in El Chorro
© Kieran Duncan

Andrew seconds before airtime on Arabesque

Andrew seconds before airtime on Arabesque
© Nic Ch

Johan on Alicia

Johan on Alicia
© Morgan Woods

Jack Thompsett flowing through the crux with style.

Rock the Kashbah
Jack Thompsett flowing through the crux with style.
© Ben_Roberts

Mike Arnold on the finishing moves of Life is Sweet 6c at Makinodromo El Chorro

Life is Sweet
Mike Arnold on the finishing moves of Life is Sweet 6c at Makinodromo El Chorro
© Andy Birtwistle

Lourdes El Chorro

Lourdes El Chorro


© mwatson

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Life is Sweet 6c *** 304 32m Makinodromo
Poema de Roca (P1) 7a *** 624 23m Frontales
Sara 7a+ *** 266 30m Las Encantadas
Hakuna Mata 7a+ *** 209 30m Makinodromo
Little Brown Baby 7a+ *** 361 25m Frontales
Anack Sunamun 7b *** 202 32m Frontales
Alicía 7b+ ** 137 23m Frontales
Viejo Traidor 7b+ *** 142 25m Frontales
Eye of the Storm 7c *** 100 19m Frontales
Honk Down 7c *** 152 38m Frontales
Lourdes 8a *** 87 35m Makinodromo
Gros Rouge 7a+ ** 176 28m Las Encantadas
La Ley del Cateto 6c+ *** 285 20m Las Encantadas
Rock the Kashbah 7b ** 121 22m Escalera Arabe
Arabesque 7a *** 271 26m Escalera Arabe
42 stars 3,437 408m 15
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