Contributed by T_bone Apr/23 - This public ticklist has been seen 274 times

Climbs I would like to slap in Fontainbleau

helicoptering......  © loundsy
© loundsy, Apr 2016

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Top 12 photos of this ticklist


© R & J Bradley

Almost latching the crux move on L'Hélicoptère, Font7a/7a+

Almost latching the crux move on L'Hélicoptère, Font7a/7a+
© Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH

Sam Austin Latching "Rainbow Rocket"

Rainbow Rocket
Sam Austin Latching "Rainbow Rocket"
© Richard Scott

James on his ascent of the Proue

Figure de Proue
James on his ascent of the Proue
© Judemallett

Flo Tilley grappling with insecure feet and not enough handholds on the classic arête of Rababoum, 7A, Fontainebleau

Flo Tilley grappling with insecure feet and not enough handholds on the classic arête of Rababoum, 7A, Fontainebleau
© Duncan Campbell

Excellent spotting

Figure de Proue
Excellent spotting
© adamraymondwhite


© loundsy

Font Classics

La Marie Rose (Red 22)
Font Classics
© Lasma

Eyeing up the NEXT sloper

Eyeing up the NEXT sloper
© sim.monkey

Living up to the name

Living up to the name
© rach21756

Latching the top on rainbow rocket

Rainbow Rocket
Latching the top on rainbow rocket
© Matthew Bennett

Setting up for the Helecopter

Setting up for the Helecopter
© sim.monkey

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Figure de Proue f7A ** 116 ? L'Elephant
Waimea f7A ** 12 3m Maunoury
Rababoum f7A *** 57 ? Maunoury
Deltaroc assis f7A ** 4 ? Apremont
Rainbow Rocket f7C+ *** 61 ? Franchard Sablons
La Marie Rose (Red 22) f6A *** 1137 ? Bas Cuvier
La Joker (White 13) f7A *** 220 ? Bas Cuvier
L'Hélicoptère f7A ** 258 ? Bas Cuvier
20 stars 1,865 3m 8
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