Contributed by Danforrest134 Jul/23 - This public ticklist has been seen 282 times

graeme on retour aux sources, f7a, 95.2, font
© kms, Nov 2003

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1st Danforrest134 9% 21 Jul, 2023

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Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist


© R & J Bradley

Almost latching the crux move on L'Hélicoptère, Font7a/7a+

Almost latching the crux move on L'Hélicoptère, Font7a/7a+
© Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH


Beatle Juice
© sgl0jd

An inspiring prow with some great moves

Retour aux Sources
An inspiring prow with some great moves
© Iain Brown


Le Carnage (White 6t)
© MorganPreece

Joe Marsh on Magic Bus

Magic Bus
Joe Marsh on Magic Bus
© NJSharp

L'Aerodynamite Font 7c

L'Aerodynamite (White 2b)
L'Aerodynamite Font 7c
© Tom Wright

Fun in Font

Retour aux Sources
Fun in Font
© davidrblakeman

Me Climbing Surplom de bivouac

Retour aux Sources
Me Climbing Surplom de bivouac
© afern


© loundsy

Eyeing up the NEXT sloper

Eyeing up the NEXT sloper
© sim.monkey

m@ on rudeboy font7a, 95.2, fontainebleau

m@ on rudeboy font7a, 95.2, fontainebleau
© kms

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Magic Bus f7B+ ** 211 ? Buthiers Piscine
Attention Chef d'OEuvre f7A *** 92 ? Buthiers Piscine
La Rampe f7A ** 49 ? Buthiers Piscine
La Joker (White 13) f7A *** 220 ? Bas Cuvier
L'Hélicoptère f7A ** 258 ? Bas Cuvier
Holey Moley f7A *** 161 ? Bas Cuvier
Le Carnage (White 6t) f7B+ *** 274 ? Bas Cuvier
L'Abattoir (White 6b) f7A+ ** 48 ? Bas Cuvier
Beatle Juice f7A+ *** 272 ? Franchard Cuisiniere
L'Aerodynamite (White 2b) f7C *** 73 ? Bas Cuvier
Excalibur f7A+ ** 94 ? Franchard Cuisiniere
Teddy Bear f7A ** 13 ? Buthiers Tennis
La Bombe Humaine Direct f7B 2 ? Bois Ronds
Le Bombé assis (droite) f7A 16 ? Rocher Canon
Rudeboy f7A *** 65 ? 95.2
Retour aux Sources f7A *** 307 ? 95.2
Les Pieds dans la Lune f7A+ ** 19 ? 95.2
Pince-Toi f7A+ ** 44 ? 95.2
La Power-Lolotte / le Surplomb Statique (Post 2017-02)(White 10) f6C 42 ? Franchard Isatis
Jour de Pluie (raccourci) f7A ** 24 ? Rocher Canon
Jour de Pluie (White 12) f7B 8 ? Rocher Canon
Lévitation (White 10) f7A+ *** 40 ? Rocher Canon
45 stars 2,332 ? 22
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