Contributed by CameronDotSmith Sep/19 - This public ticklist has been seen 691 times

choo choo

Pierre engaging his thumbs more than his shoulders on Carnage   © Jack Turner
Pierre engaging his thumbs more than his shoulders on Carnage
© Jack Turner, Feb 2022

3 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st CameronDotSmith 22% 2 Oct, 2019
2nd Thomas Lea 11% 14 Apr

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist


© R & J Bradley

Almost latching the crux move on L'Hélicoptère, Font7a/7a+

Almost latching the crux move on L'Hélicoptère, Font7a/7a+
© Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH

Preparing to slap

La Grande Marche
Preparing to slap
© cha1n


Le Carnage (White 6t)
© MorganPreece


© loundsy

Eyeing up the NEXT sloper

Eyeing up the NEXT sloper
© sim.monkey

Living up to the name

Living up to the name
© rach21756

Pierre engaging his thumbs more than his shoulders on Carnage

Le Carnage assis
Pierre engaging his thumbs more than his shoulders on Carnage
© Jack Turner

Setting up for the Helecopter

Setting up for the Helecopter
© sim.monkey

Learning to fly on L'Hélicoptère - 7A, Bas Cuvier

Learning to fly on L'Hélicoptère - 7A, Bas Cuvier
© Rachael Ellis

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Atrésie f8A 11 ? Cuvier Rempart
L'Hélicoptère f7A ** 258 ? Bas Cuvier
Le Carnage (White 6t) f7B+ *** 274 ? Bas Cuvier
Le Carnage assis f7C *** 74 ? Bas Cuvier
La Grande Marche f7A+ ** 176 ? La Canche aux...
Baloo f7B ** 86 ? Maunoury
Salathé Wall f7A+ ** 82 ? Cuvier Rempart
Festin de Pierre (Black 28t) f7A ** 49 ? Bas Cuvier
La Coccinelle (first exit) f7C+ *** 11 ? Buthiers Tennis
19 stars 1,021 ? 9
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