Contributed by Mattlamb90 Mar/17 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,533 times

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helicoptering......  © loundsy
© loundsy, Apr 2016

13 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Hidden 54% 24 Apr, 2019
2nd Mattlamb90 50% 31 Mar, 2019
3rd dan23584 45% 15 Feb
4th IRad 13% 28 Feb, 2020
5th tomwright1509 9% 20 Aug, 2018
6th idlefoddie 4% 15 Sep, 2017
6th chrislord 4% 5 May, 2019

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist


© R & J Bradley

Almost latching the crux move on L'Hélicoptère, Font7a/7a+

Almost latching the crux move on L'Hélicoptère, Font7a/7a+
© Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH

Tiba Vroom goes for the Ruby on the powerful crux on Rubis Sur L'Ongle

Rubis sur l'Ongle
Tiba Vroom goes for the Ruby on the powerful crux on Rubis Sur L'Ongle
© veronicamelkonian

Friction Mission!

L'Angle Ben's
Friction Mission!
© Tris.west

Master of Puppets

Master of Puppets
© gordy767

Marcus on the classic La Baleine.

La Baleine (Black 7)
Marcus on the classic La Baleine.
© whistler

Mike trying hard (again...!) on Rubis sur l'Ongle (7b+)

Rubis sur l'Ongle
Mike trying hard (again...!) on Rubis sur l'Ongle (7b+)
© Mikeyc


Beatle Juice
© sgl0jd

An inspiring prow with some great moves

Retour aux Sources
An inspiring prow with some great moves
© Iain Brown


Le Carnage (White 6t)
© MorganPreece

Graham tensing every muscle in his body on L'Angle Ben (7a+)

L'Angle Ben's
Graham tensing every muscle in his body on L'Angle Ben (7a+)
© GrahamGiles

Joe Marsh on Magic Bus

Magic Bus
Joe Marsh on Magic Bus
© NJSharp

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
La Barre Fixe (assis) f7B+ *** 102 ? L'Elephant
Magic Bus f7B+ ** 211 ? Buthiers Piscine
Rocking-Chair f7A *** 12 ? Rocher Canon
À Bras Plat à Bras f6C ** 39 ? Franchard Cuisiniere
Beatle Juice f7A+ *** 272 ? Franchard Cuisiniere
Big Jim (Black 4) f6C *** 157 ? Petit Bois
Festin de Pierre (Black 28t) f7A ** 49 ? Bas Cuvier
Le Carnage (White 6t) f7B+ *** 274 ? Bas Cuvier
L'Hélicoptère f7A ** 258 ? Bas Cuvier
L'Angle Ben's f7A+ ** 145 ? Franchard Isatis
El Poussah f7A *** 167 ? Franchard Isatis
Kendo f7C ** 13 ? Mont Pivot
Dune (El Poussif) f7A+ ** 130 ? Franchard Isatis
La Baleine (Black 7) f7A+ *** 141 ? Petit Bois
Retour aux Sources f7A *** 307 ? 95.2
Action Directe assis f7A ** 140 ? Roche aux Oiseaux
Satan m'habite f7B+ *** 29 ? Roche aux Oiseaux
Rubis sur l'Ongle f7B+ *** 115 ? Gorge aux Châts
Brazil f7A ** 70 ? Roche aux Oiseaux
Uruguay f7A ** 124 ? Roche aux Oiseaux
Master of Puppets f7B ** 45 ? Rocher d'Avon
Biceps Mou (Black 6) f7B * 58 ? Bas Cuvier
53 stars 2,858 ? 22
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