Contributed by harrison Oct/17 - This public ticklist has been seen 3,354 times

Mostly from the old (1997) Stephen Gough guide, with Service Compris an a few others added in. Many are no longer f6A.
NB Le Grand Diedre (Red 12 ter) at 91.1 should actually be Le Cure-Dents (Red 12).

Font Classics  © Lasma
Font Classics
© Lasma, Apr 2012

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User Percentage Latest Log
1st daviesxxx 21% 2011
2nd paul79 17% 3 Apr
3rd harrison 8% Oct, 2018
3rd Meekdj 8% 28 Oct, 2022
3rd WesF 8% 7 Apr, 2023
3rd Keith Swainson 8% 11 Aug, 2014
3rd Dankobear 8% 11 May, 2023
3rd Hidden 8% 2006
4th Hidden 4% 14 Oct, 2023
4th j-ho 4% 4 Mar, 2020

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Delicate climbing on Science Friction

La Science Friction
Delicate climbing on Science Friction
© Vybz

Black 25

L'Etrave (Black 25)
Black 25
© JohnHartley

Font Classics

La Marie Rose (Red 22)
Font Classics
© Lasma

laying it on for the top

La Science Friction
laying it on for the top
© harrison

such slab many frictione wowe

La Science Friction
such slab many frictione wowe
© harrison

Aptly Named Font Classic

Le Surplomb du Marbre (Black 3)
Aptly Named Font Classic
© dohart

Marie Rose - polished but classic

La Marie Rose (Red 22)
Marie Rose - polished but classic
© supersteve

One of the many sequences for this brilliant climb

Le Meilleur des Mondes (Red 22)
One of the many sequences for this brilliant climb
© daviesxxx

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
La Marie Rose (Red 22) f6A *** 1137 ? Bas Cuvier
Erectissima (Black 8) f6B ** 15 ? Bas Cuvier
La Brioche (Black 16) f6A ** 4 ? Bas Cuvier
La Belle Arete f6A *** - ? Bas Cuvier
La Balafre (Salmon 24) f6A ** 24 ? Apremont
La Science Friction f6A *** 250 ? Apremont
Lex Yeux (Red 11) f5+ 13 ? Apremont
Beurre Marga (White 16) f6B+ 49 ? Franchard Isatis
Le Meilleur des Mondes (Red 22) f6A *** 79 ? Bois Ronds
L'Everest (black 22) f6A - ? Gros Sablons
White 7 - Sans l'Arête f6A+ * 11 ? 95.2
White 10 - Le Faucon f6A+ * 36 ? 95.2
White 25 - Tour d'Eiffel f6A+ ** 19 ? 95.2
La Nano (Red 6) f6A ** 34 ? Le Cul de Chien
Presse Citron (Red 7) f6A *** 119 ? Le Cul de Chien
Coquille d'Œuf (Red 28) f6A 2 ? J.A. Martin
Le Grand Noir (white 2) f6A - ? Dame Jouanne
La Fissure Martin (Black 1) f6A *** 1 ? Buthiers Canard
La Fissure du Bouledogue f6A - ? Buthiers Canard
Le Surplomb du Marbre (Black 3) f6A ** 53 ? Buthiers Piscine
L'Etrave (Black 25) f6A *** 49 ? Buthiers Piscine
Red 21 (Le Cure-Dents) f6A ** 102 ? 91.1
Service Compris (Red 28) f6A+ ** 79 ? La Roche aux Sabots
39 stars 2,076 ? 23
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