Contributed by Brown Sep/14 - This public ticklist has been seen 3,785 times

All the routes in the Harrisons section of the 1956 South East England Guide.
List missing the following unidentifiable routes:
Elbow Traverse - somewhere between Half-Crown Corner and Biceps Buttress;
Big Cave Wall - assumed to be now known as Cave Wall;
Cave Wall Traverse - seems to girdle the Big Cave to Crack and Cave;
Girdle Traverse (of Isolated Buttress) - traverses the isolated buttress;
Upper Traverse (of Isolated Buttress) - high level traverse of the isolated buttress; Butterfly Traverse - from Two Toed Sloth into Piecemeal Wall; Prince Nez - traverses from Wellingtons Nose to Passage Chimney

Chris on Monkeys Bow  © Jamdahll
Chris on Monkeys Bow
© Jamdahll, Aug 2020

25 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Pod Tav AKA Stu 96% 20 Aug, 2023
2nd tradguy 92% 15 May, 2019
3rd Jamdahll 91% 30 Jul, 2023
4th daviesdan 85% 22 Jun, 2022
5th Alex Ham 84% 19 Jul
6th N McDonald 78% 19 Jul
7th Brown 68% 6 Jun, 2020
8th Pu11y 59% 16 Aug, 2022
9th Hidden 57% 16 May, 2014
10th bleddynmawr 54% 2015

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Hell Wall. Quite a grand title for a short top ropped afair..

Hell Wall
Hell Wall. Quite a grand title for a short top ropped afair..
© rrrock!

Nigh Climbing, a long exposure at night with my self climbing a route with a head torch to expose the line.

West Wall
Nigh Climbing, a long exposure at night with my self climbing a route with a head torch to expose the line.
© neal grundy

Southern Sandstoners on Niblick

The Niblick
Southern Sandstoners on Niblick
© Jamdahll

Deadwood Crack

Deadwood Crack
© Mike Tinsley

Gordon soloing Unclimbed Wall, Harrison's Rocks, 1982

Unclimbed Wall
Gordon soloing Unclimbed Wall, Harrison's Rocks, 1982
© Gordon Stainforth

Chris on Monkeys Bow

Monkey's Bow
Chris on Monkeys Bow
© Jamdahll

Gordon soloing Unclimbed Wall, Harrison's Rocks, 1982

Unclimbed Wall
Gordon soloing Unclimbed Wall, Harrison's Rocks, 1982
© Gordon Stainforth

Big Stretch!

The Niblick
Big Stretch!
© So_Ashby

old skool

Unclimbed Wall
old skool
© lithos

Gordon on Unclimbed Wall, Harrison's Rocks, 1968

Unclimbed Wall
Gordon on Unclimbed Wall, Harrison's Rocks, 1968
© Gordon Stainforth

Jamie on the final slopers of South-West Corner, UK 6a

South-West Corner
Jamie on the final slopers of South-West Corner, UK 6a
© ZacMoss

Tim Climbs Unclimbed Wall

Unclimbed Wall
Tim Climbs Unclimbed Wall
© seanlikeskites

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Rift 6b+ 5c ** 244 ? Harrison's...
Zig-Zag Wall 6a 5a *** 895 ? Harrison's...
Isometric Chimney 2a 2a * 154 ? Harrison's...
Unclimbed Wall 6b 5b *** 1060 ? Harrison's...
Charon's Chimney 4a 4a * 275 ? Harrison's...
Hell Wall 5a 4c ** 905 ? Harrison's...
Birch Tree Wall 4c 4c * 316 ? Harrison's...
Birch Tree Crack 4c 4c ** 429 ? Harrison's...
Half-Crown Corner 6b 5b * 185 ? Harrison's...
Biceps Buttress 6b+ 5c * 18 ? Harrison's...
Crack and Cave 4a 4a * 604 ? Harrison's...
Cave Wall 6b+ 5c * 145 ? Harrison's...
Spider Wall 6a+ 5b ** 463 ? Harrison's...
Last Chance 6b+ 5c ** 114 ? Harrison's...
Second Chance 6c 6a * 53 ? Harrison's...
Smith's Traverse 3a 2a ** 35 ? Harrison's...
Big Cave Route 1 3b 3b ** 111 ? Harrison's...
Big Cave Route 2 4a 4a * 65 ? Harrison's...
Boulder Bridge Route 3a 3a *** 96 ? Harrison's...
High Traverse 6b+ ** 7 ? Harrison's...
Wailing Wall 6c 5c *** 316 ? Harrison's...
Crowborough Corner 6b+ 5c ** 267 ? Harrison's...
Birchden Corner 6b 5c *** 373 ? Harrison's...
Birchden Wall 6b 5b *** 538 ? Harrison's...
Diversion 6c 5c * 221 ? Harrison's...
Edwards's Effort 6c 6a ** 157 ? Harrison's...
Isolated Buttress Climb 4c 4c *** 624 ? Harrison's...
West Wall 6a+ 5b *** 276 ? Harrison's...
South-West Corner 6c+ 6a ** 88 ? Harrison's...
North-West Corner 6c 5c ** 174 9m Harrison's...
Two-Toed Sloth 5b 5a ** 434 ? Harrison's...
Reverse Traverse 6b 5c * 92 ? Harrison's...
Chimney and Traverse 4a 27 ? Harrison's...
Piecemeal Wall 6b+ 5c ** 94 ? Harrison's...
Sunshine Crack 6a+ 5a ** 356 ? Harrison's...
Set Square Arete 6c+ 6a ** 149 ? Harrison's...
Knight's Move 6b+ 5c * 14 ? Harrison's...
Knight's Gambit 6b 5b 9 8m Harrison's...
Corridor Route 4a 4a 42 ? Harrison's...
Birch Nose 6a 5b 26 ? Harrison's...
The Vice 4c 4c ** 640 ? Harrison's...
Tame Variant 4a 4a * 387 ? Harrison's...
Deadwood Crack 5b 5a 595 ? Harrison's...
Wildcat Wall f5 ** 58 ? Harrison's...
Flotsam 3a 3a 23 ? Harrison's...
Jetsam 3b 3b 33 ? Harrison's...
Wellington's Nose 4a 4a ** 248 ? Harrison's...
The Niblick 6b 5b *** 947 7m Harrison's...
Forester's Wall 6b 5b *** 317 ? Harrison's...
Sabre Crack 5a 4c ** 89 ? Harrison's...
Passage Chimney 3a 3a 9 ? Harrison's...
Noisome Cleft No. 2 3a 3a 5 ? Harrison's...
Noisome Wall 6a+ 5b 1 ? Harrison's...
Noisome Cleft No. 1 3a 3a 2 ? Harrison's...
Moonlight Arete 5a 4c *** 618 ? Harrison's...
Monkey's Bow 7a 6a * 17 ? Harrison's...
Baboon 7a * 2 ? Harrison's...
88 stars 14,442 24m 57
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