Contributed by Emma Binnersley Apr/20 - This public ticklist has been seen 455 times

Sunset send  © joemg
Sunset send
© joemg, Jan 2024

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Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Classic move

The Pinch
Classic move
© sim.monkey

Ianto on The Pinch v7

The Pinch
Ianto on The Pinch v7
© ianto9

Shortly after, Neil rewarded himself with a ‘bean pizza’ (yes, beans - on pizza). Heathen.

The Pinch
Shortly after, Neil rewarded himself with a ‘bean pizza’ (yes, beans - on pizza). Heathen.
© KGshoots

Zed Flashing The Pinch

The Pinch
Zed Flashing The Pinch
© Jodie Evans

The dyno from the world's most picturesque pinch

The Pinch
The dyno from the world's most picturesque pinch
© Jake Webb

Martin hitting the lip of the infamous 'Pinch'

The Pinch
Martin hitting the lip of the infamous 'Pinch'
© DaveX

Sunset send

The Pinch
Sunset send
© joemg

The Pinch

The Pinch
© Fresher


Dog Shooter
© Timothy Graham Peck


The Pinch
© LucaC

Tiggy giving it a shot

Dog Shooter
Tiggy giving it a shot
© Louise Moyle

The Pinch

The Pinch
© david morse

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Klem's Bulge V5 ** 185 ? Gorlan (The Sheep...
The Pinch V7 ** 529 ? Gorlan (The Sheep...
The Ramp f7A * 150 ? Gallt yr Ogof...
Dog Shooter f6C *** 978 ? Gorlan (The Sheep...
8 stars 1,842 ? 4
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