Es Tresidder, Skye Ridge in 3.17.28: a new record

© Ben Wear
On Friday, 4th May, Es Tresidder, 27 of Kinghorn, Fife broke the record for the traverse of the Skye Ridge with a time of 3 hrs 17 minutes and 28 seconds.

The previous record was held by Andy Hyslop, (owner of Rock and Run, and a co-owner of with a time of 3.32.15. Andy, currently competing in the British Orienteering Championship in South Wales near Blaenafon this weekend, sent his congratulations to Es.

Es (short for Esmond) spent five days familiarising himself with the ridge, then on 27th April clocked a time of 3.59. On Friday he set off on his second attempt at 6am, after a bivvy. Conditions at sea level were murky but at elevation there was a perfect cloud inversion. His split times initially equalled or slighly bettered Hyslop's and at Sgurr na Banachdich and Sgurr a'Mhadaidh he was 7 minutes ahead but had lost the advantage on reaching Bidein. He then sprinted to Sgurr nan Gillean, were the clock stops, shaving 15 minutes off the previous record.

Es reports, "The day turned out to be one of the most spectacular I've ever seen. The valley was slowly enveloped in a sea of mist, leaving the ridge the only thing floating above in the sunshine. It was like running in heaven." (see Ben Wear's photo of Es on the Inn Pinn, here)

Es, originally from Wirksworth, near Matlock (Derbyshire) describes himself as one third runner, one third climber and one third alpinist, he is the custodian of a demonstration Eco house in Fife. He's climbed several new grade VII and VIII winter routes in Scotland and has climbed the North Face of the Eiger.

These are Es's split times:

  • Sgurr nan Eag: 17.04
  • Sgurr Dubh Mor: 35.52
  • Sgurr Alasdair: 55.22
  • Sgurr Thearlaich: 58.01
  • Sgurr Mhic Coinnich: 1.05.09
  • Inn Pin: 1.24.02
  • Sgurr na Banachdich: 1.38.43
  • Sgurr a'Ghreadaidh: 1.57.34
  • Sgurr a'Mhadaidh: 2.05.04
  • Bidein: 2.25.51
  • Bruach na Frithe: 2.54.46
  • Am Basteir: 3.05.04
  • Sgurr nan Gillean: 3.17.28

    You can view all the records starting with Eric Beard's 4.09 time in 1967, here. The Rockfax MiniGUIDE (link) will now need updating.

    Es told this morning, "I hitched back to Edinburgh to have a meal and a few beers with friends. Seemed like it would be a bit of an anti-climax to hitch straight home, make myself a bowl of slop and fall into bed! Woke up this morning still buzzing!"

    You can read more details at Es's website:

    Es is supported by Grivel and Mountain Equipment.

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    5 May, 2007
    Very impressive! So for those of us who've never been, how does the Skye Ridge break down? How much running, how much scrambling and how much soloing is required? What grade is the hardest climbing? Is ANY of it flat, or is it all steep up + down?
    5 May, 2007
    Nice one Es, well done!
    5 May, 2007
    Updated table here - Curious times at Bidein. Judging by the fact that Andy and Es were level at this point, and at the next check point Es is 15 minutes ahead, I suspect they may have taken their measurements at different points. Alan
    5 May, 2007
    It does say he sprinted!
    5 May, 2007
    Hi Alan Curious indeed! I'm sure we didn't take them at different places though. The summits of both of these peaks are pretty obvious (block with cairn on it and a trig point), and these are where my times were taken. Initially (while running), I thought there must have been a mistake - it would be easy for a watch to get knocked and stopped on a climbing section - but I checked with Wendy (who met me at Bruach na Frithe), and the time I got there fitted with what my stopwatch said and the time I started running (started running at 6.21am and Wendy said I got to her about quarter past nine). My final time on the Sgurr nan Gillean (9.38am) also tallies with what my stopwatch was saying. Interesting to look at Morans times, he was also substantially faster than Andy on that section, by about five minutes. Cheers, Es.
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