Pink Mountain - Gay Weddings on Everest

© tomchyk
Trek to BC Everest  © tomchyk
Trek to BC Everest
© tomchyk, Dec 2009

Sunil Babu Pant   © Sunil Babu Pant
Sunil Babu Pant
© Sunil Babu Pant
Back in 2009 Nepal's supreme court approved same-sex marriage and the Nepali government is set to publish a new constitution confirming the change in law.

An innovative organisation 'Pink Mountain' is set to capitalise on the potential tourism implications of the new constitution.

The organisation, headed up by Sunil Babu Pant, Nepal's first publicly gay lawmaker and a leading gay rights activist, are planning to host gay weddings at an altitude of 5,360m at Everest basecamp.

Pant, well known and respected by gay activists worldwide, told the Daily Telegraph: "Most Asian countries don't welcome gay visitors, so we can have the maximum benefit for the Nepal economy which is fragile after years of war."

Same sex marriages are currently not allowed in the UK, instead we have a civil partnership union. In England and Wales there are a plethora of restrictions on where a civil union can take place, but it would seem that Scotland has less restrictions and the summit of Ben Nevis is available.

At only 1,344m it might not be much competition for the stunning vistas of the Himalaya.

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22 Jan, 2010
OMFG! i dont agree with it. But cba to get into a super topical discussion like everything else on the internet/Ukc gets into! Even so.. i LOLLLLLLLL'ed so hard when i saw this!
22 Jan, 2010
cool! The world's growing up...gotta But it's a bit sad that 'everest' is being further commercialised...but that's not gonna stop, is it?!?! And rainbow flags will fit in nicely.
22 Jan, 2010
I reckon everest base camp would make a good place for a wedding. Alcohol and high altitude probably mix well and you'd keep numbers down as the grandparents would just keel over on the walk in
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