Dark matter, 8B+/C, FA by Koyamada

© Ikuko Serata
Dai Koyamada tells us that he has "completed a project in the "Darkness roof", at the granite bouldering destination of Magic Wood, Avers, Switzerland:

"It was a really nice line. I named it Dark matter. I felt it was 8B+/8C or easy 8C. I would like to have an opinion from a repeater." commented Dai.

Dai Koyamada on Dark matter, 8B+/C, Magic wood
© Ikuko Serata

This is the project I mentioned the other day, a link-up of In search of time lost and From darkness to the sunshine, which totals around 15 meters and 30 moves.

Dai also says that he has tried The story of two worlds again. Because the start is less than intuitive. Dai thought he had repeated this difficult problem previously, but he may have started a move higher than the original start.

"...I decided to start from lower than Dave did. It is both hands, starting from undercling. I solved the move but it is too hot in Cresciano to try. I should try it in lower temperatures."

Dai Koyamada is sponsored by: Mad Rock

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13 Sep, 2011
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