3 8B's by Nalle in Hueco TanksVideo

© Nalle Hukkataival
Nalle Hukkataival showing his best side on A story of two Gabors, 8B, Hueco Tanks  © Nalle Hukkataival
Nalle Hukkataival showing his best side on A story of two Gabors, 8B, Hueco Tanks
© Nalle Hukkataival

Here is a little video from Nalle Hukkataival's recent visit to Hueco Tanks, TX. It features three 8B's, terrre de Sienne, A tale of two Gabors and Diabolic of distinctly different styles.

Especially one, A tale of two Gabors is very different. It could very well be the strangest problem I have ever seen. Extremely weird.

Nalle Hukkataival is sponsored by: Black Diamond and La Sportiva

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23 Dec, 2011
2nd problem looked amazing!
23 Dec, 2011
I have to say that overhanging crimp pulling bores me to tears (probably because I can't do it) However, The climbing of A Tale of Two Gabors is absolutely amazing. E
23 Dec, 2011
What are the songs on this vid? Namely the second. Also i want to either become a beast, or find an easier version of the second problem! :D
24 Dec, 2011
I can feel the full body pump just watching!
24 Dec, 2011
Anyone know the the FA of 'A tale of two gabors'? Visionary.
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