Oli Lyon - 7 Years of AdventureFri Night Vid

© Oli Lyon
This week's Friday nighter is quite a special video. Climber Oli Lyon has really captured the spirit of travelling and climbing in this film, which documents his travels and adventures from the last seven years.

The video, culminating in an ascent of the famous route Fiesta De Los Biceps at Riglos, Spain, is full of energy, and well, made us all at UKC want to get out and go climbing.

Oli, we take our hats off to you, well done, keep climbing, keep having fun.

This vid was picked up in the UKC forums a while back and received a lot of positive comments.

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17 Aug, 2012
A proper 'bro-mance' going on there! Never a bit without a smile, great great film!!
17 Aug, 2012
Inspiring stuff, cheered me up on a rainy cumbrian afternoon.
17 Aug, 2012
Very cute boys!
17 Aug, 2012
17 Aug, 2012
If i had a penny for everytime i've heard the word bromance! i could probably buy a carabeener (in australia!). what a nice surprise to see this on UK climbing this morning.. One thing.. trustafarian is a long way off the mark dude! A bit of rope access here and there and being willing to live in a cave in yosemite for months at a time was my preferred method of making the trips happen.. Oli happens to be a badass ski coach.. We are working on making something a bit more ambitious (better editing, climbing and jumping goals) over the next year, so look out for it!
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