Climbing Not Going In Olympics

© UKC News
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) met today in St Petersburg, Russia to decide which sports will be put forward to the next stage of selection for the Olympics. Unfortunately climbing has not made the cut.

In a statement on the IOC website, they announced:

"The Executive Board (EB) of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) today recommended that baseball/softball, squash and wrestling be proposed to the 125th IOC Session for possible inclusion as an additional sport on the Olympic programme for the 2020 Olympic Games.

The EB selected the three sports by secret ballot from a shortlist of eight that also included karate, roller sports, sport climbing, wakeboarding and wushu. The vote followed 30-minute presentations by each International Federation and an extensive evaluation by the Olympic Programme Commission to determine their potential added value to the Games."

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29 May, 2013
"Unfortunately climbing has not made the cut." Climbing website owners must be gnashing their teeth.
29 May, 2013
Great news!
29 May, 2013
I'm not really bothered myself, if anything I'm pleased, but looking at it as dispassionately as possible I'd have thought by most criteria climbing is a much better candidate for inclusion than any of the others listed (other than possibly squash). That said I'd imagine that the decision has little to do with sporting merit.
29 May, 2013
Good news.
This is my exact thinking.
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