Peregrines Nesting in Avon Gorge

For more information on bird nesting restrictions, including those for the Peregrine, download the RAD App  © BMC
For more information on bird nesting restrictions, including those for the Peregrine, download the RAD App
This year, two pairs of Peregrine Falcons have begun nesting within the Avon Gorge, Bristol, which is home to many classic routes that feature in Extreme, Hard and Classic Rock.

UKC user Colin Knowles has recently reported that two pairs of peregrine falcons have been confirmed nesting in the Avon Gorge adding "It is an incredibly rare event for peregrines to nest so close together."

The Avon Gorge's established pair have nested in their normal site on the Pink Wall section of the Main Wall, they currently have four young chicks. Seasonal climbing restrictions have been posted here for some time now.

The new pair have nested on the Suspension Bridge Buttress at the top of the Limbo area, the nest is clearly visible, including the two eggs it contains, from the suspension bridge itself. Climbing restrictions are currently being posted and will be in force until July 15th.

Details of the climbing restrictions can be found on the BMC's Regional Access Database.

ClimbBristol has been working closely with the British Trust of Ornitholigist activist Ed Drewitt who is responsible for 'ringing' Peregrine chicks. You can read more about Ed's work here.

Excited at the prospect of such a rare occurrence, Colin enthused: "This is another opportunity to celebrate the Gorge's unique character as both a climber's playground and a habitat for rare wildlife."

Pink Wall Exposure  © Chris Sansum
Pink Wall Exposure
© Chris Sansum

Further developments can be followed on ClimbBristol's Facebook Page.

The original thread Colin started can be found here.

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14 May, 2013
Is it still ok to climb on the morning slab/evening wall section at main cliff?
15 May, 2013
Yes, as long as you're not doing Pink Wall Traverse. There are signs up at the bottom of Main Wall explaining exactly where the banned area is.
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