The Stuck trilogyVideos

© Ghetti Movies (video still)

From Ghetti Movies comes a trilogy of videos where climbers from the Japanese national bouldering team enjoy themselves in Ticino, Switzerland.

They climb a bunch of problems in the 8A-8B+ range without, as it seems, too much trouble.

Ray Sugimoto, Tatsumi Nitta and Yuki Yamauchi did one 8B+ each. Anyone who has heard more than one of those names before?

What the title "The Stuck" is referring to, I have no idea.

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7 May, 2013
The Stuck = Stick it in Engrish?
8 May, 2013
Start of that second video made me LOL a lot. Great videos Maybe the stuck refers the problems they sent. To stick it = to send it? The stuck as a collective noun for all problems climbed.
8 May, 2013
Wool Stick?
12 May, 2013
Some uber core precision moves, amazing to see.
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