Thieves Target Cars on Dartmoor

© Sean Kelly
Early morning on Haytor, Dartmoor  © Sean Kelly
Early morning on Haytor, Dartmoor
© Sean Kelly, Jan 2008
Devon and Cornwall Police have issued a warning that thieves targeting cars are in operation around the Haytor area of Dartmoor. Several cars have been broken into and had valuables stolen.

Ashburton PCSO, Ben Cattrall, sent out a warning that cars parked in the various secluded parking areas around Haytor on the Eastern side of Dartmoor, Devon, were being broken into. These areas included those close to popular climbing crags such as Haytor & Lowman, Hound Tor, Bench Tor, and Bonehill Rocks, and also parking areas used by walkers around popular reservoirs including; Venford, Fenworthy, Trenchford and Avon Dam.

PCSO Cattral further explained: "These areas have been targetted in the past as easy pickings from cars that leave valuables on show. During the recent spell of good weather, we had several breaks-ins on the moors in the space of 48 hours. It seems that the criminals have realised the value of climbing gear too, as ropes and trad gear have been taken aswell."

Rob on the Dartmoor classic Interrogation  © Mark Stevenson
Rob on the Dartmoor classic Interrogation
© Mark Stevenson, Jul 2008

Devon and Cornwall Police advise that valuables are removed from unattended cars or hidden from view. In the case of an incident the Police contact details are as follows:

Ashburton PCSO Ben Cattrall, 30596
Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
Ashburton Police Station
Conway House
Eastern Road
TQ13 7FL

Email PCSO Cattrall: [email protected]

The Police non-emergency helpline is 101.

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20 May, 2013
We should set up a trap.
20 May, 2013
We had problems in the past at the Deverstone. Thieves trew a stone to smash the offside window and stole a few things. My mate's wallet was in the driver's door pocket at the time, luck would have it that the rock landed on top of it, so they missed that! Police at the time said it was most likely to be drug addicts paying for thier habits.
20 May, 2013
Kill'em - a shallow grave on the middle of the moor
20 May, 2013
Have to agree, not that I wish it happens to anyone but hopefully they will be caught by group of climbers who give them what they deserve (perhaps using a seagull killer hex) rather than a pathetic slap on the wrist from the law. Over the years I have read about this happening up and down the country. It really would serve them right and perhaps they would think twice next time
20 May, 2013
An understated reaction from the UKC massive then. Gosh, its like reading the dailymail...
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