Blokfest Nottingham 2014

© Blokfest

Blokfest 2013 -2014  © Blokfest
The next round of the Blokfest is to be held at The Depot Climbing Centre, Nottingham, on the 19th of January. Gaz Parry gives more information on what looks set to be an excellent event.

So, another year is over but don't despair, Blokfest still has two rounds left. Next up, we are packing the vans and heading North to The Depot Climbing Centre in Nottingham on the 19th January. Steve Dunning's centre will be opening its doors to Southerners and hopefully some strong Northerners for a massive event after their recent Battle Of Britain.

The usual suspects of Mike Langley, Kornelija Howick and myself will be conjuring up some fun challenges along with special guest setter Ned Feehally from Beastmaker, who will no doubt turn up with some cool goodies. We have TCA Bristol's Paul Twomey going head to head on the decks with 'Gusenator' for our North vs South Battle of the DJ's!

Not forgetting Alex Haslehurst from DMM and Liam Lonsdale from Marmot will be on hand to show some goods and answer any questions about their fantastic kit.

Belinda Fuller in her first Blokfest final  © Simon Fowler
Belinda Fuller in her first Blokfest final
© Simon Fowler

This round will be sponsored by Scarpa and Grivel, who will be onhand with their Boot demo kit including the new Stix V2 and sponsored athletes to answer any questions. Not forgetting Rock On and Boot Bananas, who will also be in the house to help with the setting and fun challenges.

Just to get you in the mood, here are a couple of videos from the Westway and Reading rounds:

Blokfest Reading

Blokfest Westway

You can find out more on the Blokfest Website

Blokfest is sponsored by: DMM and Marmot and supported by: Holdz, Rock On, Boot Bananas and Volx

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