Gepresster Hase, Font 8C, first ascent by Martin Keller

© Angela Wagner

Martin Keller, possibly the most tenacious boulderer on the planet when it comes to projects (remember his +100 days on Der mit dem Fels tanzt?), has done it again. Now he has made the first ascent of Gepresster Hase, Font 8C, at Sustenpass, Switzerland.

Martin Keller on Gepresster Hase, ~8C, Sustenpass, Switzerland  © Angela Wagner
Martin Keller on Gepresster Hase, ~8C, Sustenpass, Switzerland
© Angela Wagner

The name means "compressed hare", but with an extra "s" it would mean "compressed hate", so I guess it's a wordplay.

For you who know Martin's story and his project - No, it's not yet the 10-years-and-counting Highlander project, which he has fallen off the last moves from for several years now, but it's on the very same boulder, only five meters to the right.

Martin says he began looking at the line, which is a sit down start to the existing problem Pitbull, Font 8B, way back in 2005, but it took until 2011 until he decided to try it.
Since then, there has been many ups and downs... Martin first tore his hamstring off and when he got back, after surgery and eight months of rehab, he split his meniscus...

But now he his back, and the campus- and hang boarding has made him stronger than ever! Strong enough to climb through all the 16 moves of "side pulls, heel hooks, toe hooks and compression" that makes Gepresster Hase.

Congrats Martin and well done! Now go finish that Highlander Project!

Soon you can read the full story on Swizzybouldering

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