New ~8B+/C in Cerro Dorotea by Pirmin BertleVideo

© Pirmin Bertle

Pirmin Bertle has made the first ascent of The cold and smelly breath of death, ~8B+/C, in the Cerro Dorotea on the border between Chile and Argentina in Patagonia.

This Master of Psychology from Bavaria, Germany who has previously made first ascents both 9b and ~8C+, is currently on a super extended road trip in South America with his family. At Dorotea, just north of Puerto Natales in Chile, Patagonia, he has made the first ascent of The cold and smelly breath of death for which he needed 10 days of work and suggests ~8B+/C.

I guess we'll simply have to take his word for it as the chance of this one seeing a repeat anytime soon, I predict is somewhere between slim and none.

Pirmin Bertle is sponsored by: Maiday

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23 Mar, 2016
At Dorotea! Wow, one or two grades above the other stuff there I'd have thought!
Nice video :)
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