The Long Hope E11Video

© Hot Aches Productions

As an Easter Monday treat, here's a clip from acclaimed film The Long Hope by Hot Aches Productions, in which Dave MacLeod makes the first ascent of the hardest sea cliff climb in the world...

Read this UKC interview with Dave about the Long Hope Direct from 2011, shortly after his ascent.

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28 Mar, 2016
Such an inspiring film. Dave is basically my hero :')
28 Mar, 2016
Wow brilliant, total commitment what a climber! (I wonder if that's Bear Grylls chalk on the crux?).
28 Mar, 2016
Super impressive! HVG included...gritty Dave!!! jim jones: Very likely...I can picture him up there in loosely boots, done with a seagull :P
28 Mar, 2016
Blimey! I got the sweats just watching!
29 Mar, 2016
Well. That looks terrifying.
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