Update: Pembroke/Castlemartin Ranges access 2016

© Nathan Lee

Pembroke Firing Access Update from Steve:

"We have just had another update on the range closures from the MoD.  The days when access will be restricted is now fewer than previously planned."

Sunday April 17th - The whole of Range East and West from Broad Haven South to Freshwater West will now only be shut from 17:00 for a night exercise.  Climbing will bepossible on Saturday 16th and daytime on Sunday.

Saturday and Sunday, 2nd July, 3rd July - Range West closed 

Saturday and Sunday, 10th,11th Sept - Range West closure.


See this post for previously reported closures


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15 Mar, 2016
This sounds like good news! Are these the only planned closures, or the only ones that are planned on weekends (as in, there may be other mid-week closures in addition to these weekend ones)?
15 Mar, 2016
Looks like most April weekends were going to be closed, so this is good news:
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