Women's Nose-in-a-Day Solo Record Set by Miranda Oakley

© UKC Gear

US climber Miranda Oakley has broken the women's speed solo record on The Nose (C2) (5.9, C2) of No match for crag id:1980,"El Capitan - Southwest Face". Smashing the previous record of 24 hours and 39 minutes, Miranda's ascent took her under the 24-hour threshold - finishing with a time of 21 hours and 50 minutes. 

El Capitan  © UKC Gear
El Capitan
© UKC Gear

Miranda knocked around five hours off her personal best of just under 27 hours, which she achieved last year. The 32 year-old mountain guide currently working for the Yosemite Mountain School has been lauded as an unsung heroine of the US climbing scene, with onsights up to 5.13, links of El Capitan and Half Dome in a day and first ascents in Patagonia and the California Sierra.



Party wall!

A photo posted by Miranda (@miroak) on


Full report on Rock and Ice.

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10 Aug, 2016
"Nose in a day" record 24 hours and 39 minutes? I know things are bigger in the US, but I didn't realise their days are over 24 hrs......
10 Aug, 2016
What is it they say about exam questions? Beating her old time of 24 hours and 29 minutes with a new time of 21 hours and 50 minutes, less than a day I think? Now I feel petty and dirty for pulling you up. Forgive me ;-) Cheers Toby
10 Aug, 2016
Indeed 21hr 50 is less than a day, but it says "Women's Nose-in-a-Day Solo Record Broken". As it hadn't been done in a day before, there was no "in a day" record to break. Yes, one has been set, but not broken.
10 Aug, 2016
I've sometimes wondered how it would feel as a punter on a trip of a lifetime trip to do the Nose in normal style, to be constantly overtaken by people using the route as a recetrack.
10 Aug, 2016
Have a like, that's me owned. Serves me right. (I blame the article) Yes I remember being in Chamonix once and some American looking very Twight scampered past with a pair of old school walkman headphones on. Cheers Toby
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