Colin's First Climb - Do What You Can NowVideo

© Filmuphigh

A legend of the North Wales climbing scene, Colin Goodey has over 40 first ascents to his name and has been an active climber for over 70 years. Now in his 80s and facing terminal illness, Colin decides to 'do what he can now' and chooses to climb one last route: the first one he ever did, aged 10, bringing a '70 year love affair with the mountains' full circle.

Filmmaker Rob Johnson has shared this touching short film about Colin's journey.

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16 Dec, 2016
Wonderfully poignant film. I really hope that wasn't Colin's last climb.
16 Dec, 2016
Poignant indeed. A happy/sad moment. It really didn't look like it was his last climb though, did it?
16 Dec, 2016
Hope you keep getting out as long as you can Colin!
16 Dec, 2016
Colin Goodey: A legend indeed - in the truest sense. Colin's First Ascent of 'The Great Wall' at Craig y Forwyn was my very own biggest ever personal motivation as a kid to want to climb. This route More Than Any Other, anywhere (although free by the time our generation caught up with it) spoke of 'big walls' - 'Great' even, and great it most certainly was/is. Colin was so very helpful with historical (and hysterical) notes for the little guidebook I wrote to North Wales Limestone, and - being back in the 70's, always responded by letters with facts, (a drop of fiction, ha?) and utter enthusiasm. A 'Great' man indeed. I think we only ever met the once in passing but I recall he was charming. Don't really know what to say now other than 'Thanks Colin' for Great Wall, Castle Inn Quarry ,,,,etc, etc ad infinitum'. Shall attempt to PM the 'Great' man. Andy P.
16 Dec, 2016
This has bought a deep sadness to me but at the same time it is so vibrant and uplifting. Colin sums up the ethereal epitome of climbing, essentially how it brings your body alive and of the enjoyment which years of being in the mountains brings. Colin and Sue are such a friendly un assuming couple, I hope they go on to have another last climb and another and another, until the sun sets over the Welsh mountains one last time. But still the memory will live on in this moving film. Best wishes to Colin Sue, Sara and Rob Simon.
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