New Eiger North Face Route by Ballard and TomaszewskiNewsflash

© Tom Ballard

British alpinist Tom Ballard and his Polish climbing partner Marcin Tomaszewski have established a new route up the North Face of the Eiger in Switzerland - Titanic (A3/M5/6b, 1800m) - after spending 7 days on the wall. 

Limited information is currently available as the pair return from the summit, but Facebook suggests that they set off on 29th November with enough supplies for ten days on the mountain. Stable weather enabled slow, steady progress up the notoriously loose rock of the North Face.

The duo also made the first ascent of Dirty Harry (VII,1375m), a new rock route up the North West Face of Civetta in the Dolomites, Italy, this summer.

In March last year, Tom - son of the late Alison Hargreaves - completed his mission to solo all of the 6 classic North Faces of the alps in one winter season, becoming the first person to do so.

Marcin is also a highly accomplished climber, with multiple first ascents to his name, including Katharsis on Trollveggen - Troll Wall - in Norway, Superbalance on Polar Sun Spire, Baffin Island and Bushidoon Great Trango Tower in Pakistan's Karakorum range.

More information to follow. Photos and updates from the climb can be found on Marcin's Athlete Facebook Page.

Visit Tom's Athlete Facebook Page.

Tom is sponsored by: Montane, [brand("C.A.M.P")], Cassin, GMSport, Scarpa and Virna Pierobon Projects

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