Magic line, 8c, repeated after 20 years

© Lonnie Kauk collection

20 years ago, Ron Kauk made the first ascent of Magic Line, 8c, a thin crack in Yosemite. Now it has been repeated for the first time. It took another Kauk, Ron's son Lonnie, to do it.

On Instagram, Lonnie wrote: A giant thank you to my Father, Ron Kauk, 1st ascent - December 6th 1996... Dedicated to my uncle "Allen Parker". He was the strongest man I've ever known who was also born & raised in Yosemite ^ Fly High forever Uncle ✨ .. this route for me was all about learning from every emotion in the process. Feels amazing to honor & share such things in this life...


Lonnie Kauk is best known as an accomplished high ball boulderer and solo climber as well as a snowboarder, but apparently 8c crack climbing isn't beyond his capabilities either!

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11 Jan, 2017
I remember seeing a black and white version of this picture in a climbing instruction book years ago and thinking it looks impossible - amazing it's finally had a second ascent
12 Jan, 2017
I genuinely thought he was soloing it in that picture and I was like "Jesus Christ, it's taken 20 years for someone to repeat a line that this guy soloed on the first ascent!?" Eventually noticed the quick draw and harness, still cant see the rope tho.
12 Jan, 2017
Is it bolted - hard to tell from the pics and some places seem to grade trad routes sport grades.
12 Jan, 2017
It's the French grade I presume, anyway not a sport grade.
12 Jan, 2017
No, it's trad (on pre-placed gear) according to the internet.
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