Two 8c's for 15-year-old Finn Hayward

© Owen Hayward

15-year-old climber Finn Hayward has climbed his first 8c's at Oliana, Spain. Finn made quick work of both Mind Control (8c) and Fish Eye (8c) during his October half-term break.

At the start of his trip, Oliana was extremely wet and one of Finn's main objectives, Mind Control, is a drainage line. Taking the setback in his stride, Finn started working Fish Eye instead, which was dry apart from a small section on the upper wall. Falling just below the chains on his 7th attempt, Finn redpointed the route on his next go to complete his first 8c.

Finn made short work of Fish Eye, taking only 8 attempts  © Owen Hayward
Finn made short work of Fish Eye, taking only 8 attempts
© Owen Hayward

At this point, the 50-metre stamina test piece Mind Control (8c) had dried enough to begin working on the route. Finn's dad, Owen, told UKC:

'Finn spent 3 short sessions working it in the cooler early morning or late afternoon temps then surprised himself by falling from the finishing hold on his first redpoint attempt. It was getting dark and there wasn't enough time to rest fully but with rain forecast he made one more attempt falling at the signature 'cross over' move lower down. It rained that night and the chances of a send seemed to have slipped away 2 days before the end of the trip.'

Fortunately, when they walked in the following day the route was completely dry and conditions were good. Finn climbed the route on his 1st attempt of the day and 3rd overall.

2019 has seen Finn's climbing ability go through the roof. In February, Finn redpointed the classic Kale borroka (8b+) at Siurana. Finn is now looking forward to a return trip to Spain in early 2020.

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Finn Hayward

Finn is an up and coming British sport climber who has completed several hard sport routes in Spain and across the UK. His top ascents in 2019 were Kalea Borroka (8b+), Fish Eye and Mind Control.

Finn's Athlete Page

30 Nov, 2019

Strong youth!!

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