Kilian Jornet vs Base JumperVideo

© Kilian Jornet

Base Jumper Tom Erik Heimen and trail runner Kilian Jornet "race" up & down the iconic Romsdalshorn (1550m) in Norway.

Romsdalshorn is situated in Rauma, in the middle of the beautiful fjordlands on the west coast of Norway. Kilian and Tom Erik started their race from the trailhead, carrying all they needed for their ascent/descent. Kilian climbed up the north face (400m climbing grade IV) and downclimbed the Halls Renne (450m grade III) while Tom Erik climbed up Halls Renne and flew over the north face, meaning that at some point on their route they crossed each other.

Writing about the concept, Kilian said: 'Tom Erik and I had been skiing together the last years, and during the summer we meet many times in Romsdalshorn, him to base jump and me to run, so it became natural to do something together in our own way, and the idea of this challenge came straight away. It was very unpredictable who would be faster. I knew I could climb much faster, but the downhill is down climbing so it takes as much time as going up for me. And I also knew that Tom Erik has a very good physical level, so he would be quick to climb and of course very fast on the way down. During my whole descent, I was expecting at any second to hear him fly by me.'

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22 Jan, 2020

A brilliant short about finding joy in the mountains, joy in movement, and joy in a lighthearted competition between friends.

23 Jan, 2020

Enjoyed that. Kilian should give it a go against David here

23 Jan, 2020

Nice - something a bit different.

23 Jan, 2020

Contrived silliness. Trying to convince myself that it is harmless fun rather than somehow vaguely irritating......

23 Jan, 2020

Kilian's orange shoes deserve a mention, whatever they were.

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