New FA by Steve McClure critiqued on TV's Gogglebox

© Channel 4

Steve McClure recently bolted a striking line up the side of his house in Sheffield. His endeavour attracted the attention of ITV News, who reported the ascent to the nation as part of a segment on athletes training at home. A few days later, Steve's interview was put in front of a discerning group of Channel 4's Gogglebox television couch-critics, who were quick to try and pull Steve firmly back down to earth...

Reactions from the show's regulars included:

'Climbing your own house is pathetic!'

'Good job he doesn't live in a f*cking bungalow he'd be totally f*cked then wouldn't he!'

'Oh get down. He's two foot off the floor. Pathetic!'

Steve told UKC:

'So I guess I have finally made it now, fame at last! I can relax and retire....'

Despite being mocked by the general public, Steve's outlook on his home wall - named The House Wall Project - remains positive:

'To be honest, the wall route has been really useful. It's actually a really good climb, it's about 7c+ and is 'natural' in that it uses the stone features and not gaps in the cement, so it feels like a real route, and climbs like one too.'

Rather than bother his kids for a belay, Steve roped-in an inanimate friend for the first ascent. He shared a video on his Facebook page last week.

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Steve McClure is one of the best rock climbers in the world, having climbed the hardest sport route in the UK at 9b, numerous new routes at the grade of 9a and onsighted many at 8b+. Despite being better known for his...

Steve's Athlete Page 44 posts 15 videos

4 May, 2020

Maybe I've been in lockdown for too long but that actually looks like a good climb! Nice small gritstone edges I assume, worst case case scenario sandstone. I'll take that over a beastmaker any day ;-)

4 May, 2020

Lockdown must be hell for those Goggleboxers. All that sitting around on their big a*ses just watching telly.

4 May, 2020

Very jealous of Steve’s wall. If it were mine it would be covered in chalk. And probably chipped holds. But mine’s pebbledash 🙁

4 May, 2020

Isn’t this a little hypocritical for UKC to support Steve on Twitter when UKC have been actively discouraging climbing outdoors for week now. Yes it’s local and sure no travel was involved.

I also couldn’t help notice that perhaps the most important quote from the show was missed from this article. The one relating to if Steve had fallen and hurt himself, he’d possibly put unnecessary pressure on the NHS.

Just a thought.

4 May, 2020

I find it disappointing that these clips demonstrate a lack of appreciation for the training and determination it takes to become proficient at any skill.

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