Respect the Wild - Van LifeVideo


As part of their Respect the Wild campaign, the BMC have released a new video about responsible Van Life with pro climber Robbie Phillips.

"A van can give you the freedom to take the comforts of home anywhere you want, putting mountains and crags literally on your doorstep. But make sure your dream isn't someone else's nightmare, and leave no trace when you hit the road."

The BMC's Top Tips:

Use campsites whenever available. This is the best way to minimise your impact on the environment (and you'll probably have a more relaxed night's sleep). Where this isn't possible, stay low profile by avoiding residential areas, honeypot overnight spots and other vans. Some pubs allow overnight parking for customers, but check first.

Look out for signs. If there are signs asking for no overnight parking, respect them and go elsewhere.

Arrive late and leave early. Don't stay in one spot for more than a single night.

Consider your waste. Leaving your poo outside is no longer acceptable when van camping. Either have toilet facilities on board, use public toilets or use a packable toilet kit. Dispose of toilet and grey water waste properly. Never dump it in the countryside - it can damage the environment, is unsanitary, smelly and a real eyesore.

Don't use campfires and BBQs. These draw attention and can be highly destructive, so don't use them away from campsites which allow them.

Be self-contained. Don't sprawl with awnings or other equipment: keep everything in your vehicle.

Leave no trace. Take everything away with you and do your bit to remove existing litter wherever possible.

Park considerately. Parking areas are often limited, so don't take up multiple spaces.

More information on the Respect the Wild website:

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15 Jun, 2021

Look at that horrible massive van parked up in a beautiful scenic location! Sure, you wake up to a lovely view but you ruin everyone elses. If you were wild camping, you'd pitch up well out of the way and out of sight. You'd likely be scorned if you pitched your tent somewhere so visible yet parking white-goods on wheels slap bang in the middle of the wilderness is acceptable? You can't stash that thing under a boulder while you're out climbing/walking.

IMO overnighting in a vehicle for recreation should only be permitted in designated carparks and campsites.

15 Jun, 2021

What about those of us who are struggling financially? I can't afford to pay £30 per night, which is a fairly standard amount for a van on a site these days. That's £210 for just a week away. There's absolutely no way I can afford that. But I would still like to have a holiday.

15 Jun, 2021

So in your mind it would be OK to park by the crag whilst climbing, spoiling the view with your vehicle while people are there, but not OK to park there after most of the people have gone home, because the view is spoiled?

Are you sure it's spoiling the view that's your problem?

15 Jun, 2021

Get a tent. Not being able to afford anything other than parking your campervan in a beauty spot is one of the weakest arguments I may have ever seen.

15 Jun, 2021

I take It you’ve never parked at Stanage?

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