The Cleaver - Gruelling Crack Climbing with Tom Randall and Mary EdenFri Night Vid

© Wide Boyz

In this week's Friday Night Video, we see Tom Randall's return to offwidths, and we're not quite sure whether he enjoys it or not...

The Cleaver is a 5.13b (8a) offwith in Day Canyon, Utah, that was equipped and attempted by Evan Wisheropp before he gifted the project to Pete Whittaker who made the first ascent. Tom and Mary Eden are forced to employ several completely made-up techniques on the route; blue collar grovelling, private pirates, invert torpedos, and even a 'double palm thing,' all of which led to an extremely entertaining film of the pair having a brutal fight.

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Interesting contrast in styles. Tom's method looked harder!

9 Feb

Come on UKC news, make an effort!

Correct title:

The Cleaver - Gruelling Crack Climbing with Tom Randall and Mary Eden

(And as the other commentor says , the most interesting thing in this is the contrast in might be worth mentioning there's another climber......)

10 Feb

Perhaps it would be fairer to say that Mary made her method look easy. For small values of easy...

10 Feb

Absolutely brilliant....

11 Feb

Cracking video.

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