Sean Villanueva O'Driscoll makes solo completion of new Torres del Paine traverse

© Rob Griffiths

As reported by Rolando Garibotti on, Sean Villanueva O'Driscoll has completed a four-day solo traverse across the Torres del Paine skyline.

The traverse, called the 'Doble M' - after the double 'M' shape that the line follows across the peaks of the towers - incorporates ascents of the three main towers of Torres del Paine, Torre Sur, Torre Central, and Torre Norte, as well as the fourth tower of La Peineta. Whilst link ups of the various towers have been completed in the past, the four towers have never been linked in a single push.

On the evening of February 23rd, Sean started up Il Lungo Sogno, a 900 metre 5.10 A2 route on the West Ridge of Torre Sur. He slept part way up, starting again early in the morning, and reaching the summit on day two shortly after 6pm, roughly twenty-four hours after he started. He then rappelled the Aste to col Condor that same evening.

At the beginning of day three, he took on the Central tower via the 850 metre Kearney Knight route, also 5.10 A2, rappelling down the Bonington-Whillans route, before starting up the Torre Norte via the Monzino (5.10) that same night. 

Day four saw Sean start early, making quick work of the summit of Terro Norte and the north summit, before rappelling Spirito Libero. Finally, he climbed the 300 metre Puro Filete, 5.11 A1, before eventually reach the base of La Peineta at 4:30pm.

As such, in spite of climbing across four days, Sean completed the traverse in just under seventy-two hours, during which he slept a total of just thirteen hours. 

Incredibly, Sean completed the traverse just two weeks after having spent eighteen days on the East Face of Torre Central, as part of the team that made the first free ascent of the forty-one pitch route Riders on the Storm. 

Further details on Sean's traverse of the Doble M can be found on

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Sean started sport climbing in Belgium at the age of 13 and progressed to what is now his specialty, free climbing big walls and off-width cracks in preferably harsh conditions and playing his Irish flute. He received a...

Sean's Athlete Page 5 posts 2 videos

14 Mar

Amazing he can move so quickly with such big balls.

17 Mar

Nice use of my photo, Your welcome 😉

18 Mar

He's a proper cool dude!!

Top stuff Sean!

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