Positive Discussions with HSE over Working at Height

The Working at Height Regulations saga took a turn for the better the other day. In a meeting with the outdoor sector the following was acknowledged - "HSE recognises that the Adventure Activities sector has a very good safety record, and already has exemplary safety standards and guidance. Adherence to those standards should mean the sector will have not have problems fulfilling the requirements of the draft Regulations.
Although the statement on the HSE web site is ultimately non-commital, it does sound positive. Well done to all those who sent in their responses from the thread on Rocktalk.

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5 Apr, 2004
Sorry, but I sent mine through the Institute for Outdoor learning, who were on the case much earlier!
6 Apr, 2004
I agree, there is something slightly worrying about that line. It can read as a condecending, "you guys are good at all that safety stuff so you should have no problem with our new safety stuff".
6 Apr, 2004
I wrote to my MP (Helen Jackson), she replied and sent a letter to the minister for Industry Energy and Construction on my behalf and will be sending me any response she gets. I'm very impressed.
6 Apr, 2004
// The chances are that at least a secretary will pick up the fax and send you an acknowledgement. Better luck next time. PS There was once a league table of who the best responder to letters was. Can't remember who it was but there was only one MP who responded to 100% of faxes. Tony Blair was in there at around 47% which isn't bad given he is the PM. In last place with 0% was Ian Duncan Smith! Can't find the list unfortunately.
6 Apr, 2004
She's Labour, but I only got her reply this morning so she's probably done it since. (unless she's fibbing to me!)
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