North Wales Rock Now Available

The long awaited guidebook North Wales Rock from the new publishing company, Ground Up (website), is now available.

The guidebook's designer, Al Williams, picked the books up from the printers today and delivered them to Llanberis, the home of the Ground Up team that includes Simon Panton, Rob Wilson, Simon Marsh, Al Leary, Graham Desroy and Al Williams (bios)

At we have an exclusive Preview article all about North Wales Rock, (click here) and a chance to win a copy of North Wales Rock if you can answer some simple questions.

The guidebook's principal author, Simon Panton, said he was very excited.

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9 Feb, 2007
Great news but the link to graded list PDF on the Groundup website does not work.
9 Feb, 2007
it's an issue with the ground up web site however, guide looks chuffin fantastic,, it's gonna be one that wish list of mine!
9 Feb, 2007
Let the grading debates begin! Strawberries E6?! Mussel Beach 8a?! Shame they don't seem to have corrected these obvious ones (though Zippy did get Strawbs right in his guide).
9 Feb, 2007
OK I'll start! Heading the Shot above Shitlegruber? My one E6 and all three potential targets are all now E5. At least Killerkranky and Rimsky are back up. In case anyone takes me to task I'm aware that graded lists are not to be taken seriously etc. But they are there to start debates like this.
9 Feb, 2007
Funny how Simon has written a whole paragraph about the graded list ;-) Some good upgrades though - Magallen's Wall. And I thought it was just me!
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