Stanage - Ring Ouzels 2009

The Ring Ouzels are back at Stanage and have started nest building in the Green Crack area. As of today (signs should be in place by tomorrow) there will be a restriction on climbing extending from April Crack to Narrow Buttress.

This is a traditional site and the restricted area is the same as in previous years. As yet this is the first pair building; if more appear other restrictions may be put in place. Likewise pairs sometimes move so restrictions may be removed. If in doubt, please follow the on site signs and keep an eye on the thread linked from this news item, which I'll keep up to date.

Following last year's poor breeding season Ouzel numbers are low and this could be a critical year. Your cooperation will be much appreciated.

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13 Apr, 2009
We have to abide by the restictions - your question could be construed in many a way... I'm sure you're abridged with the facts & realise the consequences?
13 Apr, 2009
You're a complete tw*t Franco, you really are.
13 Apr, 2009
I can't believe that anyone who loves the outdoors could have the view that bird bans like this are a bad thing. I think its actually quite sad :(
13 Apr, 2009
you can't excantly complain that a small section of our biggest cliff in the country and probaly the most densly pack crags in the world has bin shut off. Not exactly going to be able to climb nothing for the whole year are ya?? Also, it's the birds habitat that were climbing on, noth our habitat that there nesting on !!
14 Apr, 2009
If you did that and it was a peregrine nesting there, then you could land yourself with a very hefty fine. It is illegal to disturd protected bird's nests.
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