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Mr Steep Comes to Town
© Bill Davidson
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User Comments

Looking Good!!!
Bill Davidson - 03/Nov/08
Holly Crap!
rusty_nails - 03/Nov/08
We'll be seeing you down when it opens then Adam!!!
Bill Davidson - 03/Nov/08
My big concern with this new wall is that it'll be very dark under it in the evenings and overcast days. At present, it can be almost impossible to make out the smaller features on the free-standing boulders. This beast won't help the situation one bit.
Fraser - 03/Nov/08
Bill, you have managed to get some good pics, but they realy dont do it justice. When you are under it, the overhand is just stupidly awesome!
Fraser - it isn't too bad at night - I thing the light stars help as they 'pread' the light well. Also, I guess it will only be angled like this for the big comps - otherwise it will be at a more attainable angle.
Cheers bill
howfantastic - 03/Nov/08
Hmmm, I hope so. I'm not sure how light can be spread below the overhang though, and talking to some of the guys there, the wall will be up and down fairly regularly.
In hope it can be well lit as it does look a fantastic facility. Looking forward to dogging my way up something easy on it!
Fraser - 04/Nov/08
Great looking slab....
andyinglis - 04/Nov/08
Fraser - I get your concern, however I s=was standing under it the other night and it wasn't too bad... now Im not saying the light was anywhere near that of a summers (or even over cast) day, but it was climbable. They do also have a few spotlights on it -which are useless at this angle, but raise it a few degrees and Im sure it will be fine.
Fantastic bit of kit tho - worth the old £8.75 for a day me thinks!
howfantastic - 04/Nov/08
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This picture is copyright. If you want to reproduce or otherwise re-use it, please email the photographer direct via their user profile. Photo added November 03 2008.
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