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committing to the crux of 'Quietus'
© Nadir khan, Aug 2011
Route: Quietus (E2 5c)
Climbers: chris brook
Camera used: canon 5Dmkii
Date taken: 14th August 2011
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User Comments

Something weird about this shot. It makes Quietus look like a boulder problem.
MttSnr - 31/Aug/11
I thought the crux was higher? Still great shot
Greg Kirkpatrick - 02/Sep/11
it certainly doesnt look that high i agree
Nadir khan - 03/Sep/11
Great shot! - Though it is a funny optical illusion due to background boulders being in-focus and same colour/tone as foreground. And as they seem to curve away from the lower part of the shot the eye tells you they are the same rock. Actually the shot stops around the halfway point of the route and the kit stuffed under the boulder at the bottom shows just how far away those rocks are compared to the actual route. May need a little photoshop to distinguish foreground from background
tony4433 - 27/Mar/12
its not a shot I'm proud of and only put it on as it was a big tick for my mate who climbed it . i really want to re shoot it if i can convince him to climb it again LOL ! will use a different position /perspective next time , any takers for climbing it ?
Nadir khan - 27/Mar/12
Well I've fallen moving up from the lip 3 times so far. So if you need a flailing frustrated gurning shot of someone falling, that could be me!
tony4433 - 27/Mar/12
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This picture is copyright. If you want to reproduce or otherwise re-use it, please email the photographer direct via their user profile. Photo added August 16 2011.
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