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The best boots money could buy
© barksmo
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User Comments

Probably the best mountaineering boots you could buy in the 70s and 80s. I still have the Terray Fitzroy and Super Guide RD's although they are looking a little mouldy.
barksmo - 27/Mar/14
Indeed they were - built like brick s%^&houses and about as heavy. But your feet were immune to the slings and arrows - as long as the fit was right
pneame - 27/Mar/14
Yeah the fit was a problem as these were based on the european foot which is a bit narrower than the average British foot.
barksmo - 27/Mar/14
I can't imagine ANYONE having the right shaped feet for Super RDs. Mine crippled me. Did you know you can still get them? I saw half a dozen pairs in Au Vieux Campeur in Sallanches last year!
jon - 27/Mar/14
I had a pair of Super RD's and I found the fit was fine,it was just the weight of the things that crippled me
deepstar - 27/Mar/14
OK, anyone but you, Martin! Yes, they were really heavy too. Dreadful things!
jon - 27/Mar/14
...still got my RD's in the loft....bought in Grindelwald......only bettered by my Nepal Sportivas!
barbeg - 27/Mar/14 You can see my pair drying out next to me,enormous things!
deepstar - 27/Mar/14
Burnt 2 pairs of super RDs on a open coal fire in Llanberis one winters night . Bit like a viking funeral , all that was left were the metal shanks.
bill briggs1 - 27/Mar/14
Mine were the ones with the plastic toe caps. Very comfy once they were broken in - more comfy than my Nepal Extremes. It was the 'buzzy' fit with crampons that I always struggled with and the transition to plastic and clip on crampons was magical.
nniff - 28/Mar/14
nniff, your RDs were Super Pro.
nutstory - 29/Mar/14
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This picture is copyright. If you want to reproduce or otherwise re-use it, please email the photographer direct via their user profile. Photo added March 27 2014.
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