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Gordon shooting light on Llyn Bochlwyd with Russian cinemascope camera
©Freda Raphael
Date taken: 12th March 2003
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User Comments

that was some camera to carry up above bochlwyd.who sold you that del boy?.i went on snowdon once with an 8mm cine camera to film ravens above cloggy,unfortunately i started fimling too soon because when i ran the film,i could hear my heavy breathing.will try again next year.great picture.
gareth higgins - 31/Oct/09
Yes, it weighed a huge amount, especially the tripod with an enormous fluid head, the anamorphic lenses, the magazine and several 1000ft rolls of 35mm film stock. We had quite team to help us, but the job really was a bit of a nightmare, for a number of reasons. The camera was hired from the Swedish guy sitting with his back to us. It was a pilot film for a TV series that never saw the light of day.
Gordon Stainforth - 31/Oct/09
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This picture is copyright. If you want to reproduce or otherwise re-use it, please email the photographer direct via their user profile. Photo added September 02 2003.
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