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Friendly, I hope so anyway. Lately I've been trying to work the minimum I can to support a lifestyle that allows me time to explore my limits, help others with theirs and generally to live a super privileged life. Less things, more time. 'Normal life' keeps trying to drag me back however!
I climb more than most but often very badly... it works for me.

Van dweller.

Best Climbing Experience
Personally the very first one - being lowered into a glacier with ice axes and crampons in Canada ten years ago. No idea what I was doing, super nervous and certainly one of the highlights of my life. A Kokanee beer as we walked off topped the whole evening.
Often tho, the best part of day out is a friend succeeding on a project or onsight. People smiling at the crag is what it's all about.

Favourite Climbing-Related Discussion Topic
Don't get me started on people having a crap at the crag! Far from my favourite topic but having spent time picking up other people's used paper and sometimes their literal shit - I can sometimes get a little serious on the subject.

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Interests Outside Climbing
I road cycle a bit. Music is less important lately, gig-wise at least but when the knees are up for a wiggle - I'm a happy man.
Converted two vans in the last two years which has allowed me to potter about climbing at stunning places with amazing people.

Oh, and Goscanos is the best climber's bar in the world!

About My Photography
Generally lazy with the odd lucky moment. Point and shoot baby.

Photo Gallery

Top of the Rotstock. Viewed from the West Face of the Eiger.

Top of the Rotstock. Viewed from the West Face of the Eiger.
© mrchewy


© mrchewy

Early morning success

Early morning success
© mrchewy

Utter Desolation below Ben MacDui and above Loch Etchachan. Iain taking it all in before digging a home for the night.

Utter Desolation below Ben MacDui and above Loch Etchachan. Iain taking it all in before digging a home for the night.
© mrchewy

Dale on lead.

Dale on lead.
© mrchewy

Late afternoon session

Late afternoon session
© mrchewy

David having fun with a no handed ascent - not quite levitation.

David having fun with a no handed ascent - not quite levitation.
© mrchewy

Gatsch is over to the right hand side. Südpfeiler is directly behind me.

Gatsch is over to the right hand side. Südpfeiler is directly behind me.
© mrchewy

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I've voted for 40 photos, average vote 4.4.
(62% superb - 25% good - 7% average - 2% poor - 2% rubbish)

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