Frankie boy

Email User

I climb for fun, not really interested in grade bagging/numbers or redpoints/blue points and all that faff. Am a trad man at heart. Done a lot of travelling and always keen to get on a crag.
My greyhound (Harry) goes everywhere with me.

Best Climbing Experience
Climbing The Old Man Of Hoy. Travelling round the world and climbing at lots of cool places. Everyone is special in it's own way.

Recent Postings

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Interests Outside Climbing
Planning next climbing trip.

Click to list photo comments written by me. (3 comments)
I've voted for 7 photos, average vote 2.1.
(0% superb - 0% good - 28% average - 57% poor - 14% rubbish)

Anything Else We Should Know
Don't get the hype about VWs. Not interested in bouldering, and can't get excited about queing for routes at Stanage. Overall, just a grumpy old man.

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