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Best Climbing Experience
The Greater Traverse (Cuillin plus Garbh Bheinn, Clach Glas and Blaven) in a day.
Umbrella Falls on Liathach
Orion Direct
Topping out West Side Story
Soloing White Wedding on Sgurr a' Ghreadaidh
Cassin on Piz Badile

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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 1 crag, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Outer Edge

Photo Gallery

John Barker at top of Tower Ridge (IV,3), Ben Nevis, Great Tower behind

John Barker at top of Tower Ridge (IV,3), Ben Nevis, Great Tower behind
© ABark

John Barker on Observatory Ridge (IV,4), Ben Nevis

John Barker on Observatory Ridge (IV,4), Ben Nevis
© ABark

Me on Grey Arete (HVS 5a), Glyder Fawr.

Me on Grey Arete (HVS 5a), Glyder Fawr.
© ABark

Solo on The Blade

Solo on The Blade
© ABark

Going in the right direction again - after the first fall on my first E3 6a ground-up.

Going in the right direction again - after the first fall on my first E3 6a ground-up.
© Matt Booth

Rocking onto the pebble

Rocking onto the pebble
© ABark

Shovell, Peninnis Head Boulders

Shovell, Peninnis Head Boulders
© ABark

Dennis Peninnis

Dennis Peninnis
© ABark

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I've voted for 16 photos, average vote 4.4.
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