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Happiest scurrying around the North West of Scotland and the Isles. But quite partial also to the odd 'dirty weekend' away on an esoteric bit of the Culm coast. Currently exiled back again in the East Anglian flat-lands between overseas stints.

Best Climbing Experience
Pulling pulks over Arctic sea-ice toward unclimbed peaks on islands emerging from the flat white. New routeing on icefalls in the deep winter of the Cauacasus. Or just looking over the Minch and islands from a belay ledge on a warm summer evening: Too many to mention (or remember for that matter).

Favourite Climbing-Related Discussion Topic
Not big on more 'animated' UKC 'discussions' but I do enjoy a well mannered exchange of views or useful information on out-of-the-way, esoteric or adventurous venues.

Recent Postings

List all my recent posts.

Interests Outside Climbing
A bit of wild trout fly-fishing out in the hill lochs, hiking, travelling and camping. Reading and music (with a 80s-90s indie rock bent). Hit some tennis balls pretty frequently and - more rarely now - a bit of football or squash.

About My Photography
Mostly amateurish landscape stuff with cheap digital compacts or phone. I eventually disposed of the old SLR and slide film that used to come out for expedition work.

Photo Gallery

Sea Pink and Rhoscolyn Quartzite

Sea Pink and Rhoscolyn Quartzite
© oscaig

Back on the Nose some 30 or more years after my last ascent. Still great.

Back on the Nose some 30 or more years after my last ascent. Still great.
© Clare M

Zion Wallscape

Zion Wallscape
© oscaig

Winter Granite - Setting off on the last pitch

Winter Granite - Setting off on the last pitch
© oscaig

Mountains of Spiti - India/Tibet border region

Mountains of Spiti - India/Tibet border region
© Caucasus Gulag Inmate

Leading the wonderful 2nd pitch

Leading the wonderful 2nd pitch
© Gary W

From the top of Hollywood Walls on a stunning day at the Lizard

From the top of Hollywood Walls on a stunning day at the Lizard
© oscaig

Afternoon Tea - Suisnish

Afternoon Tea - Suisnish
© oscaig

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I've voted for 455 photos, average vote 4.5.
(58% superb - 35% good - 5% average - 1% poor - 0% rubbish)

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