dave johnson

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Ancient,derelict and grossly unfit I am returning to climbing after a ten year lay-off. I am currently at uni having been laid off in June 03 and hoping to get up a few classics in Lakes, Northumberland and Yorkshire during the regrettably long holidays. Family commitments mean that lightning one-day raids rather than extended trips will have to be my modus operandi. Many years ago I used to be able to drag my sorry carcass up E1 and the odd E2 but now fear that my aspirations/expectations are around the VS/HVS range.May improve with treatment.I am deeply distrustful of anything too steep and have a morbid fear of bouldering.I have a full rack of gear,ropes,some rather outdated guidebooks,some of my own hair and most of my own teeth.I also have transport.

Newcastle upon Tyne

Best Climbing Experience
Many lazy,hazy Lakes trips.
Troutdale Pinnacle with my(non-climbing)bro.
Dossing in Robin Hood's cave after finishing my "O" levels.

Favourite Climbing-Related Discussion Topic
Beer mostly.

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Interests Outside Climbing
Motorcycles,Cooking,Beer & Fags,Gardening,Wife & child.I also continually kid myself that I ride a mountain bike.

Anything Else We Should Know
Having spent the last few years hurling large Japanese sports motorcycles around at anti-social speeds I am hoping to return to the sport that I love.The outdoor experience is more important to me than the gymnastic endeavour - in other words I am happy to climb at any grade as part of the "mountain day."

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