alan moore

Email User

My Dad and I taught ouselves to climb in the late 80's and, climbing exclusively together, explored British esoteria and adventure routes for well over a decade. I met my future wife at Three Cliffs Bay, moved to Scotland, and climbed further afield in Lofoten and the USA. Now, with 3 young children, I climb mostly solo, my greatest climbing pleasure, zooming around deserted crags at unsociable hours.

Central Scotland

Best Climbing Experience
Moving over stone.

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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 7 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Indian Slab Crag, Precipice, Sheriffmuir Buttress, Otter Clff, Taylor Gill Slab, Great Head, South Bubble

Interests Outside Climbing
Before taking up climbing I was a not very successful hill walker. Before that my main hobby was was probably Lego.

About My Photography
I Use my phone.

Photo Gallery

Central Cuillin

Central Cuillin
© alan moore

The Pinnacle

The Pinnacle
© alan moore

Escape from the heat.

Escape from the heat.
© alan moore

More cloud seas

More cloud seas
© alan moore

No puke there.

No puke there.
© alan moore

Ben Lawers

Ben Lawers
© alan moore

wrinkled wall

wrinkled wall
© alan moore

Grandad keeps on climbing.

Grandad keeps on climbing.
© alan moore

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Click to list photo comments written by me. (238 comments)
I've voted for 1,418 photos, average vote 4.1.
(37% superb - 43% good - 14% average - 4% poor - 0% rubbish)

Anything Else We Should Know
I'm from Ruardean: don't mention the bear.

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